Episode 34: How To Date An Adult Best Friend Part 2

Part 1 of this topic covered how to find good friends and part 2 is about how to maintain those adult friendships. As adults, we have more abilities, but less time to share. That doesn’t mean we can’t have beautiful friendships! It just means they look different. If you want hands-on tips about how to … Read more

Episode 33: How To Date An Adult Best Friend Part 1

Finding friends as an adult can feel a lot like dating! There’s no sandbox for you to just show up and assume immediate friendship like when we were kids. If you have felt like having adult friendships has been hard for you, this episode is for you! Julie and I break down some myths around … Read more

Episode 32: Beginner’s Guide to Difficult Relationships

Do you struggle with a family member or friend that drives you nuts? Want to learn how to stop the energy drain from those relationships? This episode is for you! Relationship coach Minda Pacheco joins us in this conversation about how to love the people we love to hate. She offers us some really great … Read more

Episode 31: Let’s Talk About Self Love, Baby!

Self Love Coach Marissa Crowther joins us in this important conversation about why self love isn’t just a nice idea, it’s essential! We break down some of the myths about self love and how Heavenly Father really wants us to understand our worth. If you struggle with accepting yourself and forgiving yourself, this episode is … Read more

Episode 30: Droppin’ Shame Culture From Our Sexual Education

Did you ever hear the chewed gum analogy growing up? Or the crushed flower analogy? While these teachings were probably well-intentioned they are rooted in fear and shame. There are better ways for us to teach our children about the sacred creative power of sex. That’s what this episode is all about! We have LDS … Read more

Episode 29: 5 Things My Divorce Taught Me About Marriage

I strongly believe that the hard things we go through are our greatest teachers. My ugliest moments have made me more beautiful. I have a history of unhealthy relationships and it wasn’t until my second divorce that I truly understood what the real problem was all along. I didn’t love myself and so I kept … Read more