Episode 22: Putting the FUN Back into Motherhood

Chelsey Savio Siebold is a dear friend of mine from high school and was the Queen of Fun! When she came a mother and her fun was wiped out, she struggled with how to reconcile her motherhood with her natural fun nature. She is open and raw in her sharing of how dark it was … Read more

Episode 21: One Percent Better

Have you ever been overwhelmed with repentance? Have you ever tried to overcome something and given up because you tried to do it all right away? I hope this episode inspires you to take repentance one step at a time and ask the Lord for help to continually become one percent better. Repentance is not … Read more

Episode: 20 Things I’m Grateful For

This is the new episode 20. I felt inspired to share some of the miracles I have seen this year. I hope that it inspires you to think about the miracles in your own life. And I hope you write those things down! There is so much power in writing. Happy Thanksgiving and know how … Read more

Episode 19: Church Is More Than A Building

Julie Suazo led the discussion this week about Elder Oak’s talk The Need for a Church. There were several unexpected benefits we talked about including the incredible opportunities to teach our families about service and the opportunity we have to benefit from other people’s experiences and scripture study. We also discussed a chance we have … Read more

Episode 18: Making Time for Scripture Study

Do you feel overwhelmed with the never-ending “to-do” list? Are you getting stuck in trying to keep up with being “all in”? Then you will love this episode. The amazing Kristen Walker Smith shares her story and shares so many great ideas on how to make time for scripture study, no matter what phase of … Read more

Episode 17: Let Him Heal You

This week I am sharing the messages I shared at the musical fireside I put on here in Arizona last week. I am sharing 5 things that can help us heal. I hope that these messages inspire you to have a conversation with your families about how we can invite the Savior into our hearts … Read more